text by Princess Sophia
Version 1.3, 23/11/2016
A small edit from a friend was added at a part of my text to fix the clarity of what was being talked.
Some links posting to help you understand my points, I'll add more links.
Some images.
Causal realm - 1st Dimensioning.
At first it was only the existence, and it was infinite.
The existence was absolute.
Then, from the spectrum, it have stimulus(ω) and form(α),
The stimulus is the tonnage, the form is the timbre,
Both united is the syllable(logos).
Twelve lights came from it so.
- Miguel, the blue archangel, was the first;
- Gabriel, the white archangel;
- Raphael, the green archangel;
- Luciel, the transparent archangel;
- Samael, the red archangel;
- Irael, the black archangel;
- Ezequiel, the yellow archangel;
- Orifiel, the violet archangel;
- Uriel, the pink archangel;
- Muriel, the purple archangel;
- Iriel, the brown archangel;
- Sandriel, the orange archangel.
Each conscience then came from a archangel;
Your conscience is your first body, the causal body;
It is just stimulus(ω) and form(α);
Each harmonic margin of the stimulus then saturated;
And that became yours chakras.
Each virtue you have, and the way you express in the world, is dependent or change in accord with the stimulus of your causal body;
each virtue you have, you condensate in a jewel in the causal realm;
you can then do that virtue absolutely.
Condensation of a heart chakra virtue.
Each sureness you have, and the way you identify the world, is dependent or change in accord with the form of your causal body;
each sureness you have, you condensate in a key in the causal realm;
you can then access that portal absolutely.
Each design means a different timbre, and each timbre open certain doors, that makes you access unlimited information while you stay with the door open.
Matthew 6:19:
“19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also..”
Treasures in heaven are the jewels and the keys, “for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” is the coordinate, where your conscience is, the first condensation(dimension).
α (Timbre/Form/Sureness/Identity/Order/Concrete/Exterior/Boards); ω (Tonnage/Stimulus/Virtues/Expression/Chaos/Abstract/Interior/Nucleus).
As you can see, we are not absolute in all tonnages and timbres, but we are absolute in our own tonnage and timbre, because we are from a place that only us can fit.
the 1hz fits only in the 1hz area, the 10hz, fits only in the 10hz area, the 100khz, fits only in the 100khz area;
If you break a cup, each piece belongs to a certain place;
That is the same logic to everything in the universe;
A cup cant work without a piece;
Like the nerves on your brain look the entire brain for a information that is left for its calculations, we subconsciously look for another people to find information to our nerves, consequently we need to glue ourselves together;
In that matter we are absolute in being ourselves;
Because we are the piece that is left;
We are needed for everyone;
Only us can do what we do, even if is too abstract to find itself in the world of the humans.
We received in our physical body, the pineal gland as a gift from the causal body.
That is the causal realm, the first dimension, the coordinate.
Causal Body and the chakras
Astral realm - 2nd Dimensioning.
The causal realm condensed, or better, the stimulus and form condensed. It now found itself in four places, the least condensed(lets call it wind), the incandescent(lets call it fire), the liquefied(lets call it water) and the most condensed(lets call it earth). Those chackras then condensed too, and formed 33 segments(kundalini), and a matrix body, with the union of the coordinates of our causal body, the coordinate body(stimulus and form). It now ramified(dimensioned) the alpha and omega. It is now: αα(Intelect/Reasons/Strategy/Wind); αω(Knowledge/Thoughs/Technique/Fire); ωα(Wisdom/Emotions/Tatics/Earth); ωω(Comprehension/Feelings/Skills/Water).
We now have seven coordinates.
When we dream, we are using this body, normally people project astrally inside their own bodies, that is the dream world you live, with the cities you made, with the spirits that are created from you, wandering there as unknown persons, animals, plants or/and fungus, all created with your spirit, like God created us with his verb(logos).
However, you can use your dream state to project outside of your body.
Our causal body(conscience), moves our astral body(soul);
Since each of the souls virtues are fragmented causal virtues, and the causal body is fragment of God;
We received in our physical body, the bones as a gift from the astral body.
That is the astral realm, the second dimension, the matrix.
Etherical realm - 3rd Dimensioning.
The astral realm condensed.
And each combination of alpha and omega condensed too.
ααα <– Logic;
ωαα <– Projection;
αωα <– Information;
ααω <– Cognition;
ωωα <– Understanding;
ωαω <– Notion;
αωω <– Coherence;
ωωω <– Empathy;
Now we have fourteen coordinates.
Our etherical body is the body of Ecstasy(ω) and Epiphanies(α).
Your etherical body is your mind, it is your spirit.
Its the body we communicate with lower spirits and lost souls.
Its the body of transitions, and is the realm where we can canalize a soul inside our physical body.
In the ether realm, things can be registered, the etherical register, unconscious collective, Akashic records. Some people after getting in coma or in a ecstasy can grab those informations from the air.
When we are sleeping, before we dream, we hear strange voices telling strange things, those are canalized voices from ether realm, that means you activated your etherical body, the voices you hear depends of how your aura is, each body have a aura for it.
Our causal body(conscience), moves our astral body(soul), that moves our etherical body(mind);
Since each of the etherical virtues are fragmented astral virtues, and the astral body is fragment of the causal body, that is fragmented from God;
We received in our physical body, the organs as a gift from the etherical body.
That is the ether realm, the third dimension, the emanation.
Psychical realm - 4th Dimensioning.
Then ether condensed
Then a line was made, the ether condensed in light.
That margin is called Maya.
Light is already something too much condensed.
Each combination of alpha and omega condensed too.
αααα <– 1
ωααα <– 2
αωαα <– 3
ααωα <– 4
αααω <– 5
ωωαα <– 6
ωαωα <– 7
αωωα <– 8
αωαω <– 9
ααωω <– 10
ωααω <– 11
ωωαω <– 12
ωαωω <– 13
αωωω <– 14
ωωωα <– 15
ωωωω <– 16
Now we have 42 coordinates.
Our psych body is the body of Performance(ω) and Poetics(α).
Its the body we communicate with the fantasy world.
This body, since its made of light, its like programming, it is what you program it to be.
This body is just made with commands, insects only have this body, for a insect, if the light is on = day, and if not = night, we too, if we say, “Im the one that drinks”, when someone offer us a cup of a drink, we drink it.
This body is the so called ego, its made of appearance and self image, we shouldn't care about self image but we do have one.
This body is the personality, if you think you are your personality, you are under Maya, you personality changes each life, but your essence(conscience, causal body) can carry all your possible personalities.
This body is made only with culture and education, each time you die, it is killed, you learn another culture, another education, another language, another traditions.
Don't worship your personality, your I, your self-image, your psych.
Don't worship what is part of your culture, of your education, those are material tools that keeps on material world after you vanish.
Don't worship another personalities and their deeds, or else you are worshiping his lower body that is so faulty as yours.
Your psych is only nerves and your brain, it dies, rot on earth and become dirty.
The psych just shows beautiful kaleidoscopes, and some sounds and figures, but you can't understand astral realm or contact spirits from there, take care if you hear one of those figures talking with you on that realm, it can be your own brain illusion to you, or a spirit inside you, using your brain and memories.
Our causal body(conscience), moves our astral body(soul), that moves our etherical body(mind), that moves our psych body;
Since each of the psych virtues are fragmented etherical virtues, that is a fragment of astral body, that is a fragment of the causal body, that is fragmented from God;
We received in our physical body, the nerves as a gift from the psych body.
That is the psych realm, the forth dimension, the light.
Physical realm - 5th Dimensioning.
And of course that light condensed, and its now the atom. The atom then created your cells and your physical body. It followed the occult realms bodies like you do. Our physical body is the body of Necessities(ω) and Instincts(α). Your body is just a flask, it isn't you, its made by you, like when you make your own pot. Your body is a animal, it reacts like a animal, and we because our conscience, makes this animal suffers our pain, our sadness, but this animal shouldn't be treated as that, its a borrowed body, that you must give back. If you knew yourself as another person, you wouldn't like to see this person suffering, but we being ourselves we normally think we are less than this another person, but you aren't this person, be friend of your animal(body), and make him obedient but not a robot. You can talk to your body, just use you thoughts and check his subconscious reactions. You can do the same to another persons body, think aiming they, and check their subconscious reaction. Normally people fell something in their nose or throat when you think bad things to they. The person would react subconsciously in the same way they would react consciously. Since they don't know that consciously, they would keep trying to find subconsciously who is doing that, and strange effects can happen, take care with that. If you see people smiling and laughing, if you think bad things to they, they will probably stop laughing, sometimes one or another says a last thing and everyone gets quiet later, things get boring, take care, you sometimes can make the day of someone bad because that, or that person can avoid going back to the place you did it because he fell “strange” there. That too is a technique to talk to your higher bodies and the other persons higher bodies, studying the subconscious reactions of people after you think something to they, you can learn how to have telepathy. Since that is all our conscience that controls, you talk from your causal body to another causal body, I'll explain later this effect. Since your body is a flask, spirits can get inside it and use its brain, memories, heart, emotions, feelings and more... Lower etherical spirits lives with things of the earth, so they would avoid to die starving, they use the voice on your head to bring you to addictions so that spirit won't die starving. Everything you have conscience instantly writes on your DNA. The DNA is the intelligence, the register. When you die, your DNA spread to plants and animals, and teach things to they. Having a happy life, dieng naturally, can create a good register in your DNA, and that would create a better body for someone with problem reincarnate. We can code things that dont exist on earth, and code causal virtues, its us that create the evolution. Animals that have contact with humans, like dogs, learn to release more oxytocin near us, we human, teach animals to be more loveful, we can code animals DNA with a mere example of being, we as human should teach all animals and re code all DNAs with godly virtues, and if a virtue is not nominated on earth, we create it and code it on our DNA. If you think something, that codes your DNA, so everything is possible to be coded in our DNA. Our duty here is to code a good DNA for the new souls, for the animals and another life beings. We should make certain our personal virtues survive. Love, morality, peace, happiness, hope, and more are infinite. We can't let ourselves be overwhelmed by a culture of the “age of reason” which attempts to discredit our feelings and emotions. There is no reason without those qualities. These exist; everything exists, whatever polar argument outsiders give to you, you can reflect it back. If you are told you shouldn't believe in love or morality because you are only programmed with these beliefs, respond by saying they should believe in love or morality because they have been programmed to avoid it. There is nothing that is not programmed; hypnotists say we always are being hypnotized. We are always being manipulated in Neuroprogramming linguistics. We are always being influenced subconsciously by psychology. So it is up to you to decide what to honor within yourself. I decide to keep programming the morality and love code on myself. I'll not let love die. Lot of persons passed by earth and coded things on our DNA, we can see those on astral projections. Jesus let the “Jesus passion” DNA code in our bodies, and that is giving problems to the evil organizations that knows about it. We can see ancient entities because they too are written on our DNA code, in fact the entire history of the universe is written on our DNA. So we, with our upper bodies, program what gonna happen in earth, we create the codes, with the codes we create life, and of course life is not resumed only on that. For me, like we made dogs become loveful to humans, we should do the same to the entire universe, and make humans more loveful to humans, for that we should love even our enemies, so there is no semantic failures on our Love Code. Our causal body(conscience), moves our astral body(soul), that moves our etherical body(mind), that moves our psych body, that moves our physical body; Since each of the physical body virtues are fragmented psych virtues, that is a fragment of etherical body, that is a fragment of the astral body, that is a fragment of the causal body, that is fragmented from God; We received in our physical body, the cells. That is the matter realm, the fifth dimension, the atom.
Dimensional Projection.
We see things by the other side, we have a one dimension vision, and we only see matter realm, then after we have a two dimensions vision, we see psych realm, then after we have a three dimension vision, we see ether realm, then after we have a four dimensions vision, we see astral realm, then after we have a five dimensions vision, we see causal realm, the paradise.
My text explaining a friend about how to astral project: “You have five bodies, Causal, Astral, Etherical, Psych, physical.
To you learn astral projection you'll need lot of training, its not something you learn in few days.
There are things i call Jewels and Keys, more Jewels and keys you have, more stuffs you see in astral projection.
The best way i teach people about it is describing the steps you get before dreaming.
When you see just black, you are using your Physical body;
Then after a while, random colors and sounds appear, with a psychedelic feeling, but they are too much abstract, some figures appear, but they just appear, when you are seeing that, you are using your Psych body;
After a while, you gonna get in a trance like state, you gonna hear strange voices, telling typical stuffs, things like “I made a cake yesterday, it was good”, “Oh, i wished i could sell that car”, and things like that, when you are hearing that, you are hearing what we call Etherical register(Unconscious collective, by science), so for that, you need to be using your etherical body;
After a while, you'll dream, when you dream, you are using your astral body, but you are traveling inside your own body.
This state is very hard to control, since its a dimension beyond, the 4th dimension;
Then, after a while, you get in a state that mostly people just blank out when they reach there, its the causal realm, that realm is hard to reach with conscience, if you do, you gonna see crazy things”
Sources that can sum to what i'm talking about(i'll add more): * A website talking about quantum physics mechanics, giving some tips about everything being stimulus and form(vibration/wave). * Wikipedia about Quantum Mechanics. * A video with a collection of talks about quantum mechanics and conscience. * A website i found in a fast search that talks that everything came from vibrations, the same i said about stimulus and form, interesting read, but with some ads. * Neurons constantly rewrite DNA – Medicalxpress. * Psychology Today article about animals and human oxytocin relations. * UPI.com Dogs, cats and oxytocin. * Dogs understand human smiles.
This text ends here, but I'll write way more stuffs, wait new versions of it.