Links about Pleiades and another beings.

versions 1.1; 29/12/2016.

I moved that text from another article:

Sorry that some texts are not in English.

--- - My memories of Mintaka and the Orion wars


A friend I met online sent me this link. This website is not exactly about Pleiadians, but I though interesting to list it here, because it talks about the same Galactic Orion war we were talking on this topic, and it talks about this person being in the Lemuria experimentation, alike what we talked here, its very “coincidental”, so I think we might be talking about the same war. The difference that those beings are soul from another planets, and me and my friend are Atlantis souls, so we saw everything from here, but we born a little late from Lemuria, anyway, in Atlantis we all knew the history and we still were seeing Reptilians and Annunakis in their true form, in accord to David Icke, they used cannibalism to manipulate their DNA and then turned out to be human-alike.

“The Biggest Secret: The Book that Will Change the World, no qual identificou os carcereiros extraterrestres como reptilianos da constelação de Draco. Eles andam de forma ereta e tem uma aparência humana, vivendo não somente em seus planetas de origem, mas também em cavernas e túneis aqui na Terra. Eles fizeram cruzamentos com humanos, criando “híbridos”, que são possuídos pelos reptilianos puros. O DNA humano-reptiliano de um híbrido permite que eles passem da forma reptiliana para a humana, caso consumam sangue humano. Icke esboçou paralelos com a série de ficção científica dos anos 80 V – A batalha final, que retratava a Terra sendo invadida por aliens em forma de répteis disfarçados de humanos.”

Translation(google with small edits): “The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World, that identified the extraterrestrial jailers as reptilians of the constellation Draco. They walk erect and have a human appearance, living not only on their home planets, but also in caves and tunnels here on Earth. They made crosses with humans, creating “hybrids”, which are possessed by pure reptilians. The human-reptilian DNA of a hybrid allows them to pass from the reptilian to the human form if they consume human blood. Icke outlined parallels with the 1980s science fiction series V – The Final Battle, which portrayed the Earth being invaded by aliens in the form of reptiles disguised as humans.”

My Memories Of Mintaka And The Orion Wars

Posted by Orion Warrior on April 20, 2014 at 8:01pm in Space & Beyond

:D Here's the link to the other post:

Hello, My stomach turns at the moment as I write this. But I feel its finally time to share my memories with fellow star beings. I'm crazy nervous! But I offer a warning. From how I here past life memories sometimes work are that after you read something it can trigger memories. Some are negative. And even till this day I'm working through the trauma of reliving it just so suddenly, I have almost vomited and even fainted from time to time when I think about it. I didn't ask for it but I guess my higher self felt I was ready I'm just warning those who might have been through it who may remember.

Anyway, my right after my soul was “born”, it was placed on Mintaka. Well a planet. Mintaka that's holds place in the double star system of the furthest right of Orions belt. There was I believe 2 planets. One was Artuvia. And her brother planet that is nameless but to give it a name I call it Mintaka III. A planet with an atmosphere so clear the juipter sized planet looked like a huge bubble! Could see right though the other side for the planet also had NO clouds like earth does, (that's why even if clouds are black and ugly I will always call them pretty) sometimes vapors would go into the atomophere and change it's color slightly but that's about it. While here on earth the sky is blue, but on Mintaka III one part of the planet could be purple, dark blue in another, and orange somewhere else. And when on it, you could see right through into outer space even during the day. Stars during the day! A planet of mostly water and little land for it's size so most inhabatits happen to be aquatic. Full of lush trees and plants with our suns to always give us heat. The water was clear in most places and could see miles down pure wonderful water. Alien aquatic life existed everywhere. Hundreds of alien races both physical and non-physical lived on this planet because Mintaka's III suns was a portal to other dimensions as well as different level realms. Love, tolerance, and purity was everywhere except for a few corners of the planet. A heaven, a utopia. I don't remember our technology really but I do know that we where just about 1,000 if not billions of years spiritually advance. Spirtuality was mostly our technology, very powerful, and other planets sometimes saw us a threat because of it. We could use ourselves as weponds! We could physically change our bodies into light and vise versa, use more of our brains and many more things I cant wrap my mind around at the moment!

When on the planet I had a bipedal aquatic form so I could also go on land. Some lives I had the form kinda mermaid like. I liked both these forms the best, I don't know if I tried any others but I'm sure I did sense there was so many to try! One memory I have is being in this pod and then I felt a vacuum sensation as I was sucked down into the planet really fast and the next thing I knew I was in the baby form of my physical body looking up at me parents. My father for that life happen to be my soul father as well. I remember clear as a crystal the sound and smell of the wonderful heat and water. I was on my back in some sort of leaf bed looking up as I saw our clear, pale-blue sky, the peach-white sparkly color sand, and a few palm-like-trees. They greeted me telling me “welcome to my new life”. I don't have many clear memories of what it was like on land yet, but I went up there often and had many lived up there (I was both land and sea), but in the water, there was towns and cities. We lived in underwater caves like houses and made them our own. Others built houses out of natural material. Everything just seemed to be very natural. We lived very similarly to the old Native Americans on earth. We ate both meat and plants but meat was VERY respected and anyone who didn't was punish very severly. I think we had secret technologies like UFOs and some weponds underground but they were to only be used in emergencies and as defense. Most forgot they were even there.

That's about it on the good memories that I got for now. Than the Orion wars hit us. We were one of the last to join in it. They wanted to test their new weponds on us! Yes, when Mintaka III was young it was a bit like earth and made many foolish mistakes but evolved from that. We didn't hide that we used to claim war and commit genocide on other planets and many many many other terriable things. We tried to repay for our mistakes as much as we possiably could! Maybe some never forgave us or they just decided to pick on us for just plain war. We got invaded by the Reptilians, Draconians, and a few others. I remember the beginning of the war. I fought in it for Mintaka III, Artuvia(who was our allies I believe), and our two suns. It was a very violent, loud, and bloody war with many expolsions. Peace was shattered but our values never faded. I fought really well, so well I earned my soul name from it. But then later went to work on the seeding of humans and the “Human Project”. I was there for all projects and all the ancient civilizations although the one I loved the most was Lemuria for I became a native, it was my other home. I spent hard work teaching new recuits and protecting the humans. I was completely dedicated! Many lives and years later I was still in lemuria, but I remembered Mintaka and started to feel homesick. I also felt something was really wrong. I stole a spaceship and went back to Mintaka III. When I got there I was horrorfied! There was a surprise attack on the planet from the reptilians. They didn't have time to react. There was a horriable wepond the reptilians possessed. Even the Reptilians had trouble controlling such a wepond. It was almost pure dark matter or something. Darkness in-gulfed the entire planet. The planet that was clear like a bubble and glowed with light could now blend into space. Our allies have came and were trying to help us. They had had balls of light either attached to them individually or to their spaceships that lead a light trail. They tried to counter the darkness of whatever it was. Then a shock came to me. All the natives and people that we've hurt in our planets past we're aiding us! Risking their lives and souls. Infact, they sent renforiments! But sadly... they got there too late and whatever the darkness was, was simply to much and imploded the planet. I was screaming, crying and banging on the spaceship window. What could they be doing and feeling on the planet?! Must have been pitch black or something with the feeling of doom! All I could do was watch in horror and be powerless and useless. All that remained of Mintaka III was a few rocks maybe smaller than earth! All in front of my eyes. After that the enemy started invading our weaken allies and our ships either taking prisoners or killing them. But sadly they weren't the one for prisoners very often... I watched in more horror crying and screaming... so powerless. A few reptilians invade the large space ship I was in and entered the room I was in. I remember what they look like so vividly it's scary. I fled down many rooms and halls. I used an emergency spacesuit and an emergency laser gun... thingy that I shot at them where we fought. I believe they reconized me from the battlefield also. The emergency spacesuit was red, it was hard like a rock but smooth like a child's slide from the park. It came with no air tank but I could still breath in it. It had black padding on the inside and some on the outside including the fingers for gripping smooth objects. They even had extra finger slots for those with more or less then 5 fingers! It was skin tight and was a little hot. The helmet was small and red. The front was made of some type of “glass” and you could easily see my face in it. I put on the helment and turned in a little when a loud “clank” was made. The two reptilians chasing after me broke down the door and started to run towards me. But I kicked down an emergency door. (Btw, I was in a very large control room, like a cafeteria large control room. With so many sparkly bottons, levers and other stuff I really don't know and cant compare with on earth.) Air was instantly sucked out into space as I jumped. I recall looking back and seeing at least one of them getting sucked out. I think s/he died cause s/he had no helmet on. So than I was in a feudal position, floating around in space like a scared child. I don't know how long I was floating around but I was brought aboard a pleadian spaceship. I was a bit out of it as I looked in the small emergency chamber we where in. A bunch of them looking at me with worry. An older female pledian took off my helemet and seemed to instantly knew who I was. I collapsed in her arms weeping uncontrollably.

(I apologize for the many spelling errors. My spelling is BAD and I was typing really fast!)

And that is most of my memories and how they end. I got a bit more and I know what happened to me after this event but.......... I'm not ready to share them. They are for a different article. I hope I didn't offend anyone with these. But just despratly sharing what I remember and want ANYONE to know. I still get physical and emoitoinal reactions to the negative memories and to the point I'm talking about them in therapy. I hope to meet fellow star brothers and sisters who have been through this. My soul family and friends died in this. Other then 2 or 3 who were in the lyran and pledies at the time. This wepond that the reptilians used not only killed you physically... but killed your SOUL as well. (I didn't want to believe it at first and still don't but its true!) But, I recived wonderful news back on October, 31, 2013. Me and my guides were having an amazing conversation while I was carving pumkins. They told me that all the souls that “died” are now back. They told me that, “Yes it's true they became imobolized and “died”. But souls cant die even with such a wepond. At least not forever. It wasn't very long till they came back from source as their old selves fresh and clean and contuined on with their soul journery.“, it had to be one of the best messages my guides ever gave me! To know after all that, an entire planet are well and fine again. And I believe after a few more of its uses, the reptilians abounded their own wepond cause of misused and it went on themselves. Anyway, when I'm ready I shall share what happened after I survived and contuined on. Thank you so much for reading this long post! I hope to meet many of you and read your post! Uhhhh, have a nice day!

What Happen To Me After Mintaka Was Destoryed

Posted by Orion Warrior on April 26, 2014 at 7:19pm in Space & Beyond

Hello, so after a quick break I deiced to now share what happened to me after Mintaka III was destroyed. If you wish to know what happened before this part of my memories, here is a link to the other post: I also just want to say thank you just so so so much! I'm surprised how many people it helped and how big it has gotten. Its been a long way to get these memories and I'll continue to gain more and share them with providing links to the other posts. I hope many people gain clarity with their own memories and wake up to their wonderful divine selves. Sharing them has helped the trauma so much and I love finally having some kind of support network. So again thank you, and I feel much better sharing now. Just a heads up, ahead there are some more heavy negative memories cause this was a very negative time in my soul journey. And I must say I'm not very proud of it and feel lots of guilt from it but it still happened. And just before I start again, I wish to say I'm sorry if anyone got caught up in it. So... here I go!

After I fell in the pleadian woman's arms everything went black, like after a movie ends. And just today after I was talking to a woman on my other post I remembered more of what happened after words than I did before. After I healed from some wounds on the pleadie ship I went to Artuvia and joined the Arctuvian forces. I was hurt and quite pissed off. I wanted revenge and for the ones that cause Mintaka III's destruction the worst possaible death I could give them. Even though I physically surrived my own home's destruction it was like I still died. I remember laying down on a white bed on the pleadie ship, smelling like sugar powder or something with a thin bubble around me. In a pure white room, with other beds with people in them healing. I recall looking dead in my eyes as I thought of just what happened. I didn't care about earth and my job to human's, they were dead to me. In the Arctuvian forces I fought very brutally and inhumanly. I killed 100s if not 1,000s of the enemy's troop. And god, I loved it... I stared death in the face everyday for the rest of my life. I lived on the battlefield. And I laughed at death every minute of it. My soul grew up in this kind of war at the beginning of it's “birth”, and even though it lived in such heavenly peace for long it forgot about it but now it remembered everything. I became war and volience. War was an outlet for my pure hatred and god new who my prey for it was. I hunted many many enemy commanders that was responsible for Mintaka III's demise and brutally killed them. And would even act as a private assassin for some mintakians that desired the same thing as me: Revenge. I went from peace loving lemuria to death, hate, vengeance, expolosions, lasers, war, spaceships and endless fighting. I don't know if its wrong to think like this... but even now, my soul regrets nothing it did than. I feel the joy I did back than. Every action I did I felt like nothing I was doing was wrong. I lived to a really good age for someone who lived in these conditions. Around the age most humans live now (but of course that's really young for a lot of E.T races). I don't fully remember how I died, but I remember I went out with a 'BANG', fire and loud explosions everywhere. I died not long before Artuvia's demise, in fact, I may have died during it.

I was now in limbo, pure darkness, pure nothingness. I was laying on my side still covered in dirt, still in my Artuvian Milritary Uniform, reflecting on everything that happened in that life. I was so sasified. I died with a smile on my face. I got what I wanted and so much more, and greeting death finally felt nice. I felt like I have gotten my justice in the war and even though I failed I honestly did do my best to save Artuvia. Our beloved sister planet. I wondered what it was like on earth sense I just disspeared off the face of the it and never came back. I wonder what happened to so many other mintakians. Who knows how long I laid there never moving thinking of my life, but than soon a vacuum feeling was felt and the next thing I knew I was in the body of a tiny baby.

After that... this is where I feel the guilt and truly sorry for what I did, I believe now is when things got on uncalled for. After that, I was still very angry of what happened to Mintaka III. Even with sastifaction of revenge I still was angry... But now I didn't have war to be the outlet. I got into many negative incarnations, many dark and dangerous organizations and so on. I was a lose train and didn't give a damn who felt the ends of my rage. I killed and harmed many innocent souls and broke the laws of the universe. I became worse than just a “bad soul”, I became demonic and to the point where I had no control over my incarnations or anything. At this point I incarnated into many “negative” races but there was others. But that wasn't the worse part, the worse part came when I picked on the defenseless humans. The humans I once protected with my soul and helped gave birth to was now my target. I experimented, killed, tourchered, and even eaten humans.... By that point it wasn't even about anger or anything anymore, I just wanted to see how low I could go before I imploded or something. And I enjoyed it... I enjoyed it so much for whatever reason. This has went on for so many lives... And even if this sounds corny I started to forget who I was, what happened to me, and everything! I was just becoming a lump of negative energy in bodies. You wouldn't believe what the reaction of my friends and co-workers (perferbly the pleadies because they where the main group I was working with) when they found me... wasn't a pretty site. And just think how it looked when I just left earth one day, never came back, than many centerties later is found in this state... yeah.... I spent a lot of time running after that. I knew I was in trouble and god knew I didn't want to face it! But I was found and the physical body I was in at the time (I think it was reptilian) was killed. Even in my soul from I didn't get away that time and I was brought to the pleadies. I remember walking down a very long and beautiful hallway. Many bystanders were looking at me with pity and/or worry. I was confused why they where looking at me this way. I was an animal and didn't know where they where taking me. I was than taken to a room with pods of high vibration and pure energy pods. They gently put me in a energy pod where it stung and hurt. Like the stinging sensation when you put on water to clean a wound. I fought the lights effect for as long as I could and even tried getting out. But soon... it started to feel good and slightly familiar. Slowly, wasn't over night, but I started to get my memory back on who I was and what has happened. My energy became pure and I was soon back to the loving light. When I reached the same vibration of the light pod it realesed me. Back to my senses, I realized that I wasn't angry or a monster.... just tramatized. I happily repayed the karma that I caused myself and fix the damage as best as I could. I was on the pleadies for a very long time and soon I was on lyra, Sirius, and many other star systems. So many lives... it was a grueling processes. But it all got repayed quickly and a positive cycle was set in motion. Then one life time, I recived shocking news that they wanted me back on earth. To continue with what I started. I denied it at first to ashamed of what I did to go back, but with more convincing they changed my mind quickly and soon I was back in lemuria... my new home. Not much really change with lemuria, but atlantis was in it's early days and humans have evolved slightly.

And that's it for this set of memories. Even though I payed of the karma a long time ago... I still feel so guilty with what I did and it effects me everyday but all I can say is “I'm so sorry!”... Even though no one seems to hold anything towards me. I just hope I never ever ever ever EVER go that low ever again.... To this day I fear that it will take over me again... But I no longer hold such anger or anything. :) I'll continue to share my memories, it helps a lot. I'll share links on both of these post. But luckily, after this point in my soul journey I was pretty much at peace. Again, I'm SO sorry if anyone got caught up in this... I also owe the pleadies and what they did for me to bring me back to my senses. Although I feel great embarrassment sharing this I hope it just gives the lesson that we might have all been “bad seeds” at one point and have done thing we aren't proud of.... Anyway! Have a nice day!

Universo-da-Luz - Pleiadianos



Billy Meier ainda descreveu uma raça de extra-terrestres denominada de Pleiadiana, descendente da Lyrana, que migrou para outros sistemas estelares, antes de finalmente se estabelecer na constelação das Pleiades: “A história antiga, dos antepassados dos Pleiadianos, originários de outro sistema solar, também foi descrita, bem como a viagem dos mesmos para as Pleiades. Uma migração bem anterior a este sistema solar também é relatada e como e por que ela falhou. Os sobreviventes, que formaram um terço da população original do planeta dos antepassados Pleiadianos, após a sua devastação, desenvolveram uma nova tecnologia: projetaram e construiram um grande número de grandes naves de evacuação, em apenas 900 anos, e começaram a lançá-las para vários sistemas estelares, por muitas centenas de anos. Alguns desses extraterrestres, que visitaram a Suíça e lá contataram certos humanos, são os descendentes de um desses migrantes, que ocuparam um dos três planetas, em um dos sistemas de sóis, que hoje chamamos de Pleiades. Na realidade, nós, humanos terráqueos, somos descendentes desses primeiros colonos Pleiadianos que, tentando resolver o problema do seu planeta natal, acabaram por colonizar nosso sistema solar, juntamente com uma variedade de aborígenes e exilados humanos, originários de vários outros lugares. O sistema estelar, em particular, a partir do qual se originam os Pleiadianos, segundo Meier, é Taygeta e o planeta principal é Erra. Os Pleiadianos de Taygeta tem a missão de trazer a verdade à respeito da presença alienígina no planeta Terra. Semjase, uma fêmea Pleiadiana, que fez contato com Meier, descreveu os Pleiadianos como se segue: “Nós não somos nem guardiões dos seres da Terra, nem anjos enviados por Deus ou algo similar. Muitas pessoas sugerem que estamos assistindo a Terra e seus seres, a fim de controlar seus destinos. Isso não é verdade, porque nós apenas tentamos realizar uma missão, a nós designada, que não tem nada a ver com supervisão ou com a regulação do destino da Terra. Assim, é errado caracterizar-nos como mensageiros divinos ou guardiães.” A missão Pleiadiana, segundo Semjase, é alertar a humanidade à respeito dos Grays: * Há várias diferentes formas de vida, que adquiriram muito conhecimento e se libertaram de seus ambientes. Eles viajam pelo espaço e, ocasionalmente, vêm para a Terra. * Muitos dessas criaturas não são amigáveis e se mostram bastante desagradáveis, vivendo na barbárie, comparável à dos terrestres. * Vocês devem estar ciente delas, porque muitas vezes atacam e destroem tudo pelo seu caminho. * Algumas vezes, eles têm até destruído planetas inteiros e colocado seus habitantes em cativeiro. * É uma das nossas missões alertar as pessoas da Terra sobre essas criaturas. * Que isso seja repassado às pessoas da Terra, porque o tempo está se esgotando. Em breve, um conflito com estas criaturas humanas degeneradas [Grays] se tornará inevitável. Segundo Collier, os Grays e os Pleiadianos estão envolvidos em conflitos armados no nosso sistema solar e em outros sistemas, como Sirius B. Curiosamente, Collier alegou que alguns dos grupos de Pleiadianos, como os de Alcyone, operam com “objetivos ocultos”, enquanto que os de Teygeta (por exemplo, os Pleiadianos de Meier) são descritos como tendo verdadeiras intenções de ajudar a humanidade. Apesar desses possíveis 'objetivos ocultos' de alguns deles, evidências apontam que os Pleiadianos, em geral, tem interações positivas com os seres humanos, e que fazem muito para ajudar na elevação da nossa consciência, enquanto nos auxiliam na busca da libertação da influência dos Grays/Reptilianos.

Os pleiadianos são um povo amoroso, pacífico, dedicado às artes e que cultua a beleza e a harmonia. As Plêiades são um aglomerado de estrelas da constelação de Touro, das quais sete são visíveis a olho nu. Ali reside uma civilização amorosa e pacífica que cultua a harmonia, a beleza e todas as formas de arte. Os pleiadianos vivem em plena unicidade uns com os outros. Gregários por natureza, gostam de estar juntos. Sua forma de expressão nunca é individual, mas grupal, e até mesmo seus instrumentos musicais são projetados para ser operados por várias pessoas simultaneamente. Amáveis, delicados e extremamente criativos, eles vivem praticamente em estado de graça em seu lar planetário – afinal, estão livres dos conflitos criados pelas diferenças de opinião e de vontade. Extasiam-se com a beleza da vida, expressam esses sentimentos por meio da arte e criam mais beleza e harmonia, vivendo assim em constante alegria e contemplação. Há muitas almas originárias das Plêiades encarnadas na Terra – elas constituem a segunda raça extraterrestre mais presente por aqui. Vêm buscar, na terceira dimensão, a experiência do concreto, algo que o adiantado estado de sua civilização não pode lhes proporcionar.

O que o pleiadiano tem de facilidade para criar, tem de dificuldade para executar suas idéias e levar as coisas até o fim. Aqui, na densidade da Terra, é que ele aprende a necessidade de plantar e cuidar para colher; que percebe a relação de causa e consequência dos mundos materiais. Em seu planeta de origem, extremamente sutil, é muito difícil ter essa percepção. Até para encarnar na Terra, os pleiadianos nunca vêm sozinhos, mas em grupo, e acabam sendo atraídos para o ofício das artes e da música, para os trabalhos comunitários ou em que possam empregar seus talentos criativos. São gentis, fazem amigos com facilidade e adoram estar com crianças. Muitos tornam-se bons professores e administradores de recursos humanos, pois, movidos pelo seu sentimento de fraternidade, gostam de ver os outros crescerem.

A música e a sintonia com as Plêiades É pela harmonia dos sons que os pleiadianos podem conectar-se conosco por meio do chacra cardíaco Somos representantes da Terceira Estrela das Plêiades. Estamos neste local, neste dia do seu tempo-espaço, a convite da Confederação Intergaláctica e em nome de seis companheiros que brevemente deverão estar a serviço em seu planeta. É muito interessante para todos nós a possibilidade de servir nesse imenso laboratório que é o seu planeta Terra. Todas as civilizações confederadas, de uma forma ou outra, ostensiva ou não ostensiva, se encontram aqui em diversas missões de ajuda. Nossas diferenças ambientais e físicas são tão grandes como as diferenças entre os diversos reinos de vocês. Como se eu fosse do reino animal, você do reino mineral, e ele do reino vegetal... As leis para cada um, para sua sobrevivência e existência, são muito diversas. Por isso, precisamos de padronizações medianas e obediência a certas regras e hierarquias que a Confederação nos impõe para que possamos nos manifestar de forma coerente entre todos nós.

Assim, estaremos trazendo-lhes muitas informações a respeito de nossa civilização.Como sabem, os pleiadianos realmente se interessam e se comovem com o mundo das Artes e da Intelectualidade. Somos um povo pacifista e não possuímos qualquer indício de algo similar a uma força armada porque já não necessitamos do uso da força para nos impor. A própria beleza, graça, suavidade e inteligência faz com que seja muito fácil para nós o contato com outras civilizações avançadas. Porém, como tudo ainda nesse universo, existe a dualidade e existem também aqueles que não estão sintonizados neste tipo de harmonia.Muito difícil é o contato com povos belicosos. Para vocês, seria algo comparado à sensação de estar em contato com um pequeno animal denominado cachorro quando enlouquecido. Nada do que você fale ou tente fazer para agradá-lo ou amansá-lo será levado em consideração. Advertimos vocês de que existem ainda seres de civilizações em desequilíbrio que tentam penetrar em seu planeta. Para que não os atraiam, é preciso manter a harmonia, tanto interna quanto externa, nos pensamentos, sentimentos, atos e palavras. Um bom antídoto para essa energia negativa poderá ser a música, boa música colocada em altura certa. Em oportunidades adequadas, podem com isso modificar totalmente um ambiente e todas as formas pensamentos ligadas entre si que diferenciam um grupo de seres de outro. Uma oportunidade ímpar se apresenta quando vocês se reúnem para ouvir música feita por profissionais que amam e entendem as vibrações. Para nós é sempre um grande deleite ouvir a boa música. Saibam vocês que uma boa música é um agrado para o sentido do ouvir.

Em todas as civilizações de vibração mediana a superior, existe uma identidade de harmonia nos diversos sons do universo. Não há como uma música dissonante ou cacofônica seja considerada agradável em outras civilizações. O que é agradável, pacificador, doce e suave em seu planeta, também assim o é em planetas superiores. Planetas inferiores, muitas vezes, sequer conhecem os primeiros acordes musicais. Os sons nascem não do ouvido, mas do coração, e é aqui, em seus corações, que nós Pleiadianos nos colocamos para contato. Todos nós vibramos em uníssono através do chacra cardíaco. Essa é a forma dos Pleiadianos se comunicarem.Estamos sempre alegres e tranqüilos, aguardando o que o universo nos oferece, porque ele é sempre muito generoso com aqueles que vibram no compasso divino. Vocês podem me identificar como Pitano das Plêiades. E, assim, os deixamos.

Recebam nossa Gratidão!

Nós somos Os Pleiadianos -

There are videos on the link, if you are interested, since my blog don't supports those.

Anjo de Luz - Conselho Galactico.

Portuguese version.

English version. This text is interesting because it show various different races, and he discover to be a Sirian soul himself. Its nice that some of the stuffs he mentions is alike my friends visions.

The Galactic Council: A Primer.

A message written by Adam Apollo.

For some, the following information will appear to be Science Fiction. Indeed, many of our everyday experiences were considered Sci-Fi only a decade or two ago. We walk around with the capacity to almost instantaneously talk to anyone, anywhere on the Planet, at any time, using a small device in our pocket. From this same device, I can capture what I see, transmit it across thousands of miles, have it printed and shipped back to me in a variety of forms, overnight. I can view the weather in New Zealand, check traffic in New York, watch a video by a kid in London, all within the time it takes to listen to a short song produced today in San Francisco.

All the technologies we now consider commonplace were once Science Fiction, but more importantly, our current types of experiences were also viewed in this fashion. When does Science Fiction become Science Fact? What are the lines between “verifiable evidence” and “shared experience?” What changes in context occur that change the same type of experience from “impossible” to “standard?”

Only a few years ago, I suspected that there was other intelligent life out there, whether through the overwhelming mathematical probabilities, or the consistency of mysterious signs like crop circles and UFO sightings. Yet, I could not logically confirm or deny the existence of these other species without a direct personal experience or more “objective irrefutable evidence.”

Since that time, I've learned quite a bit more about the nature of objective irrefutable evidence, and I had my first major direct personal experience. Everything written here is based on personal experience and years of reflection, refinement, and slow processes of confirmation.


Of all my extraterrestiral experiences, those with the Sirian planetary system and species formed my foundation, and provided the initiations necessary for me to work with the Star Families more deeply and directly. I now know that this is primarily due to the fact that I arrived on Earth from this nearby star system, around 13,000 years ago during the time of Atlantis, along with many other individuals from the diverse range of planetary systems listed on this site. I've included background information about this in the Orientation links below, so please explore them in depth.

It is nearly impossible to summarize any species in a few paragraphs, but fortunately the Sirians have been described in immense depth and detail by a famous author that most people immediately recognize. His stories contain keys to their language, beliefs, customs, and even indirectly point to their planetary origins. In fact, most people know the culture of the Sirians almost as well as they know human culture, or are deeply mystified and intrigued by it, feeling a deep resonance that can only be described as a “longing for home.”

In the “Lord of the Rings” series by JRR Tolkien, the Elves are said to come from a distant place “across the great sea,” from a “land of eternal sun.” They adapted to this endless sunlight by building their homes into the forests; cities laden amongst the canopies of massive trees. These trees were so large that the forest floor was often as dark as twilight, and so the Elves would often create their homes in the sunspackled golden boughs high above the ground. Of course if you had two suns, as in the case of the Sirian planetary system, such trees would offer more than homes; they would be revered and honored as the protectors and guardians of all life.

Since Tolkien's novels (which were inspired by the “discovery” of the Elven language according to him), others have recorded many of the different layers of the complex Elven cultures, and those of us from the Sirian star system have recognized these stories as our own. These works are important, because unlike many previous distortions, they describe Elves properly as tall human-like beings full of magic, beauty, and grace.

We are the people of the Twin Suns, pointed ears perked to the planet's song, almond eyes slanted to catch the colors that interweave the stars, lithe bodies shaped to dance between the branches of Sacred Trees. Our pale skins love the cool breezes of the forest floor, and the trees that have seen Ages pass fill us with reverence until we overflow with tears. We sing to the animals and plants, we play in our dreams, and we know the deep importance and purpose of planetary transformation on Earth. May Gaia's Chakras be symphonies of the geometries of Light!

First Contact – My first experience with the Sirius System, and the beginning of my quest to fully understand my extraterrestrial relationship.

Journey to Earth – The awakening of an ancient memory of my journey to Earth, and the revelations that deepened my understanding of the Age of Atlantis.

The Ambassador – My first known physical encounter with an extraterrestrial being, and my re-initiation as an Ambassador to the Galactic Council. (NOW AVAILABLE)

Sirian: First Contact.

In my first experience of the Sirian system landscape, I was in a dream. I was walking towards a large building, part of an educational institution of some sort. As I walked, each footstep became lighter upon the ground, until suddenly, I realized that I could simply leap forward and fly. Jumping into the air, I flew toward the building, then turned upward, shooting into the sky at blinding speeds. I left the atmosphere, and found myself heading towards the constellation of the Big Dipper. On instinct, I headed toward the last star at the end of the handle of the dipper, and noticed that there were actually three stars that I was going to fly between, two others that were not part of the constellation. As I passed between the three stars, I felt as though I just crossed through some sort of liquid membrane or surface, and everything suddenly accelerated dramatically. Like a shooting star, I was propelled through a set of three stars including the center star of the dipper’s handle, then three more where the handle meets the scoop. The four stars of the scoop appeared at an angle as I approached, becoming a sort of holographic surface that enveloped my consciousness, streaking through space.

Everything rotated around me, and the stars blurred and rearranged themselves in slightly different positions, and I found myself floating near the orbit of a planet and its moon. I could see each with perfect clarity, and many small glyphs that I instinctively understood flashed through my vision, indicating temperature, atmospheric density, elemental composition, and other reference information regarding the planet and the moon. As I approached the planet at high speeds, I noted that there were two nearby suns, one larger that the planet orbited around, the other smaller and in orbit also.

An instant later, I entered the atmosphere of a very earth-like planet, noting large bodies of water, expansive forests, and mountains. My destination was a grassy valley, where I found myself landing on a series of small dirt paths through tall green grasses. Just down the hill from my landing position, I saw a small building that looked like a massive nautilus shell on its side. On the other side of the valley, also downhill from my position, was a large disc-shaped observatory, shimmering with metal plating and external machinery on the vertical walls, with a gently-sloping dome roof. The roof had the color of graphite, and gave off subtle rainbow refractions, like those on an oily surface.

I traveled to the small building first, which I knew was a house. As I entered the round, bulbous door, my vision seemed to be rearranging pieces of my memories and mental imagery to form the correct appearance for the objects in the space. Like a collage being formed at hyperspeed, my vision quickly resolved a beautiful stained-glass window pouring multicolored warm light into a comfortable curved cottage. Along with the clarity of sight, a powerful certainty of feeling came over me, and I knew that this place was my home. Glancing around at complicated crystal structures on shelves, golden goblets on a table, and the soft colorful blankets on a bed further into the curvature of the nautilus, deep relief seemed to overwhelm my emotions.

A spark of something else entered my memory, and I ran outside and flew to the observatory. Entering a sliding geometric door, I came into a space of stunning beauty. The dark polished floor was inlaid with smoothly curving geometry in pentagonal phi-spirals. Other radial lines in the same metal inlays aligned specific points and created complicated hexagonal and heptagonal crystal structures around the outer edges of the room. Stairs left the floor along one wall, leading up to a thin balcony that followed the curve of the building. As soon as my eyes drifted to the ceiling, I found that the dome was formed of geometric plates, and the plate I was currently looking at had become transparent to the stars. The material of the ceiling blocked out the endless sunlight of the brother suns and all of the atmospheric refraction of the brilliant blue skies outside to give a perfectly clear view of the celestial bodies outside the atmosphere.

I walked through the space in awe, observing the many constellations visible in each of the ceiling plates, and had a strange sense that someone else should have been there with me. I knew that I could not stay long, and left the building shortly after. I walked back up one of the dirt paths toward my landing position, where I could see a tree-line further up the path that entered a dense forest. I looked up at the sky, prepared to depart, and then something caught my eye. Quickly looking back down the path, I saw a being radiating brilliant yellow and orange light that seemed to be dancing. I had the feeling she was smiling at me, and everything suddenly became very bright. A moment later stars were whirling through my vision, and I sat up in bed.

It took me a few days to realize that the place that I saw must have been in the Sirian Star System, after catching part of a random article about the Dogon Tribe during some online research. It immediately felt right, but my logical mind was a bit skeptical, as I had no idea how I could be from another star system, and had not established enough data to make conclusive decisions about Extraterrestrials in general.

Sirian: Journey to Earth.

My second journey to the Sirian System didn’t come until many years later, on a night when I would begin a true exploration of my own Galactic origins. On this fated night, I would meet my father from the Age of Atlantis in person, and work through deep and painful karma with him in relation to my mother from that Age. In the wake of this torrential healing and clearing work, it was as if a massive dam blocking the energy of my past had been released, and massive amounts of energy suddenly poured into me. I was swept into a journey through my past-lives by this wave, using the momentum of trust, acceptance, and forgiveness that I had built up in the healing process to clear sanskaras and karmic entanglements in a series of eight life-times following the Age of Atlantis. Each of the major clearings were related in subtle ways to the original sanskaric knot I had developed in Atlantis, and many of them were also related to an ongoing relationship with another Soul whom I had been traveling with through all of these lives.

The roles often shifted, but as each of these clearings were completed, the many lessons and opportunities my Soul partner and I had given each other became more and more illuminated. Finally, when I came into the present again in my consciousness, I found her fully present with me in her dream body. Although she was a thousand miles away, she was very much aware of me, and what we had just processed with each other. In my physical form, out in the middle of the desert in the middle of the night, I began to run with her. Running with me in her dream, we finally slowed and came to a stop, suddenly finding ourselves transported to another place entirely. I sat down, and was aware of a smooth floor with inlaid metal geometries. She sat down directly across from me, under a dome ceiling through which the stars could be seen.

Immediately recognizing this place, it also began to dawn on me what we were doing. There were two vertical pillars of light floating between us, with each color in the spectrum highlighted in a certain position along the pillar, much like a spectrometer reading from a star or chemical. I knew that one of these pillars represented her energy body, and the other was mine, with the exact frequency of each of our chakras being displayed as a color line in the pillars. We were weaving these two pillars together, pulling the colors from each of the pillars into an energy form in the center that looked very much like DNA. I knew that we were creating a Soul-Bond, and that we were doing this so that we could leave our current physical bodies, and our Souls could travel to Earth. This Soul-Bond would enable us to constantly feel an attraction to each other, so that we could find each other wherever we incarnated on this new planet, and help to trigger each other’s memories of who we were before we made the Interplanetary journey.

As my awareness bridged back to the present, sitting on the Desert floor, I also knew in that moment that this was our opportunity to unweave this Bond, and complete the circle we had traversed for over 13,000 years. Immediately, and in perfect sync, we began to unweave the fields again, bringing all the information in the DNA light-pillar back into our independent chakric pillars. It was completed quickly, with her and I working in perfect union, and as soon as it was done, we chanted to each other to finish bringing the magic into the present. “I Free You… I Free You… I Free You…” We called out each other’s names with the chant of freedom, knowing that this was the final gift we had been working for so long to give each other.

Then, in an instant, it was done, and a blinding flash of energy surged through my whole body, roaring with images of being a priestess, geisha, bellydancer, princess, wisdom, queen, medicine woman, and more. I felt as though the entire archetype of Woman poured through me in a split second, and I knew that this was a gift of having shared so many lives with each other, each holding one polarity of male or female through all of these time periods. I had been a male so long, to suddenly be filled with this deep feminine awareness and memory was both startling and exhilarating. As her dream body responded to the massive energy influx in masculine form, I knew she was going to wake up, and said farewell, feeling a surge of love and respect for this incredible Soul that I had made this long journey with. A moment later, she was gone, and I found myself standing in the middle of the desert in the middle of the night, more complete as a Soul and Being than I had ever felt…ever.

In that moment, I also knew why I had made the journey to Earth. I had come as part of a family of Souls who were dedicated to helping the human population make its transition from being a Planetary species to a Galactic species. This family of Souls were primarily Sirian, Pleiadian, and Arcturian, at least in their most recent lifetimes, as these species were able to integrate their “Spirit Genome” into the human body’s genetic system much more easily. Our body types, needs, and physical senses were also some of the most similar of the species in the Galactic Council that were interested in making this offering to Earth.

So much information was immediately available to me in that moment, systematically filling in huge gaps of data in my memories of Atlantis and of being Sirian. Also, my understanding of the variety of Extraterrestrial experiences humans have had for millenia began to become more clear. It was suddenly obvious why all my memories of Atlantis and those of so many others in my Soul family are of an “Elven” race. I had always known that my body-type in Atlantis had been almost exactly like that of the Elven race described in J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings. So many of his descriptions of cities in the forest seemed overwhelmingly familiar to me, and to many of my friends.

My memories of that Age do not begin in a city, but in a forest with super-massive trees and areas of canopies of leaves so high and dense that the forest floor resides in endless twilight. I remember arts that integrate with the living species of the Earth: songs that cause branches to grow in certain patterns, symbols that help flowers to bloom, and a protective people full of pride, and stubbornness. Children of the Stars, and descendants of those travelers to Earth, many of whom had already forgotten their home world. Many strict traditions were in place, keeping tight guidelines around the passing of bloodlines and requiring very intentional conception of new children. Some held the knowledge of why these traditions were held in place, while others followed simply for the sake of tradition, and still others fought to change these principles and patterns. The people of the Sirian Star System had been coming to Earth in this way for quite some time, and some genetic sciences had become lost in laws; the original Spiritual purposes often forgotten.

As Elven humans, our people found forests similar to those on our planet in the Sirian Star System, and were able to create a living environment very similar to that of our home world. Not all of us lived in the forests, and just as I eventually left and traveled to the City of Atlantis, so many others also traveled to, and were born within, other places on the Earth. Similarly, the other species of the Galactic Council who had Soul groups traveling to Earth tended to find places similar to their own planets to raise their youth and learn about the distinctions of this planet.

I will not hesitate to underscore the challenges involved in integrating and re-establishing memories of living in another body on another world. Even with direct education regarding reincarnation and Soul travel, actually opening to memories is more of a matter of Spiritual maturity, and Soul preparation. Additionally, as almost no direct physical contact between Galactic Species in spacecraft and life-forms on Earth was allowed during this period of development, most of the information about a group’s true origins and home planet had to be passed from generation to generation in story form or historical records from those who were able to remember. Among the Sirians, this information was considered to be sensitive and kept secret from most individuals, but self-awakening and individual Soul memory integration was encouraged.

Sirian: The Ambassador.

My third experience of my Sirian family came with my first physical contact, the same night as I released my bond with my Soul Partner. Just after we completed this release with each other, and my realizations of who I was and why I had come to Earth settled within me, I knew that my journey had just begun. I saw a brilliant light shining into the stars on the top of what looked like a pyramid, far out in the Black Rock Desert. I was near a city known as Black Rock City, the place where the Burning Man Festival is born into existence for seven days, and then vanishes without a trace.

There are many types of Art at Burning Man; some massive structures, statues, and exhibitions created simply for entertainment, and others to inspire. There are some pieces of Art at Burning Man that are there for a different reason. Sometimes, an individual or group has an awakening experience, and realizes that they must create something. They may not always understand the purpose of their creation, but this is not usually as important as the actual creative process. Many of these Art pieces, their origins wrapped in the mystery of revelation, make it to Burning Man every year. Sometimes, that is where their Purpose is revealed… The Stargate Temple, as it has always called itself in my mind, was one such place.

I ran into the night towards the vertical light, the stars streaked by above me, and the pyramid became more and more brilliant against the backdrop of deep darkness. It was a cone, instead of an angular pyramid, and it seemed to have a transparent surface containing a magnificent swirl of floating stars, moving in rhythmic harmony. Like a Galactic vortex, the stars spun around and up to the apex, where a piercing white light sliced into the sky...

Click here to read this full transmission, containing important information regarding 2012, the future of humanity, and full nature of our relationship with the Galactic Council.


A brief introduction:

My experience of the Pleiadian species has been deeply refined and confirmed through many Souls who were of this Star Family before travelling to Earth long ago. What most of them share in common is a powerful connection to the Oceans, beautiful experiences of awakening or Self-Empowerment through swimming or being in Water, and often times a strong telepathic connection to Cetaceans like Dolphins and Whales.

Through other's memories and natural capacities, as well as my own direct experience with Pleiadian beings, it has become clear that their species has deeply mastered the Emotional Field and the ability to use Sound to precisely vibrate matter into certain positions and configurarations. In one of my journey's I was shown how young initiates on a planet entirely covered in Oceans except for some small island chains would learn to develop the ability to sing to Water in such a way that they could then walk upon its surface.

I look forward to sharing much more about these beautiful beings soon!


Full expositions on each of these species will be provided soon. Please be patient!

A brief introduction:

An ancient species with a complex history, I have learned a great deal about their diversity through the many different memories and missions that individuals in my Soul Family have undergone with them. With the help of the Arcturians, certain people I know created systems to block out their knowledge of themselves in order to become spies, transmitting information about their “programming” by Draconian, Zeta, and Human groups to aid in the process of understanding these systems of Mental enslavement and learning how to disengage them.

This may sound harsh, but these individuals clearly made a choice to undergo such operations, and as an Ambassador to the Galactic Council, I cannot fully express in words how much gratitude we have for these brave Souls, and how much assistance their work has provided.

The Arcturians I have met directly are intelligent, insightful, and highly spiritually developed beings. They are willing to bend the rules in ways that others are hesistant to do, as they seem to have an innate sense of the longer Soul journey and the flow of Time. The elders are not only great Wisdom keepers, but are also very grounded in physical actions and operations. Many of their initiation practices involve going into areas of complete darkness, and learning how to work with the Light that radiates from the Self and within all things.

I was shown that many of the Ancient stone structures on the Earth were created with aid from Arcturian Soul groups who traveled here. These structures mirror many of the types of buildings and halls the Arcturians create on their homeworld. I was shown Mountains with vast cave networks and massive Halls that have recorded Ancestry over many millenia. I was told that much of the deep honoring of Ancestry by the “Indigenous” peoples of Earth is part of the Arcturian teachings that arrived in the time of Atlantis and earlier. It seems essential to them to remember and record the flow of Bloodlines and the Genetic development of Family Lines, as well as Soul Genome Records.


Full expositions on each of these species will be provided soon. Please be patient!

A brief introduction:

Deep dank jungles, swamps, and rich forests with endless abundant living systems and cycles cover the planet of the Yahonian species. The journey of mastery for them involves learning to communicate with each species of plant and animal, and discovering patterns in the unlimited forms of interaction and relationships between species. These patterns are mapped through biological experience and direct communion, and the knowledge stored and shared in Astral spaces, accessed through entheogenic and spiritual journeys.

Those who have had experience studying on the Yahonian homeworld often have a deep innate sense of Plant Medicine and the natural properties of herbs, tinctures, and essential oils that seems to go far beyond the teachings of Earth Herbology. They commune with Plants in an intimate way, with a deep love for Fungi, dirt, worms, roots, and the raw richness of black soil.

Many of these teachings have been shared with Earth for a very long time, and were independently awakened here as well, a natural process for anyone who immerses themselves in the depth of Gaia's life-web.

Yet those of the Yahonian world also remember sitting in Trees and entering stargates, using Plant Medicines to hold Astral Council with other Galactic Species, and have a highly refined sense of the Energy Flows of all living things.

The world the Yahonians showed me looked very much like Dagobah, the heavily forested planet where Yoda lived. When I considered this, they seemed to reinforce my conception of the similarities, and even showed me a diversity of Yahonian species types which included one that looked very much like the Jedi Master. The other primary species type were humanoid beings who were very tall, with very very dark skin.

I was also shown that Ayahuasca is a Yahonian Medicine that was taught to humans on Earth by direct contact, and also by Souls who came to be born as Shamans in the deepest jungles on Gaia.


My first experience of the Shihaelei was a mysterious download of a Galactic Guardian Sigil, which I was told would enable me to reveal more of my past. Eventually, these memories surfaced, and came with a firestorm of transformation in my life. I will provide full details on my memories as a Shihaeleian soon.

They have been extremely challenging to face, and very complex, but with the help of several brothers and sisters who have the same memories, I've been able to clarify and confirm a great deal of my knowledge from this time. These memories involve a great deal of root information about the Draconian Species, which is essential in this time of Planetary Transformation. Until I release this download, I will once again give a glimpse into the planets and culture of this beautiful species.

A brief introduction:

The Art of Movement and expression is the Heart of the Shihaeleian species culture. From dynamic Martial Arts (that can stretch the rules of Space-Time) to Circus arts, acrobatics, and elaborate performances, the Shihaelei are a species whose existence revolves around the balance of work and play.

They have two primary planets, one a diverse world similar to Earth, and the other is a bone-white desert planet. This planet has white mountains that rise sharply out of the desert ground, and it is in these mountains that the Shihaelei carve their cities.

Long ago, the Shihaelei dedicated themselves as Guardians to the Galactic Council, and so many individuals spend much of their early lives training in preparation for this Sacred Service. Some Souls (including myself) who traveled to other Planetary Systems still hold this Oath, acting as Guardians in whatever realms we may incarnate, and often fulfilling our Sacred Mission of restablishing Galactic Harmony.

Here were the first Samurai, the first Jedi, the people forged in the fire of destruction and slavery, ravaged by the Draconians, and awakened through their battle for Freedom and Justice.


Full expositions on each of these species will be provided soon. Please be patient!

A brief introduction:

The Laquinon species are non-planetary, as their planet was destroyed long ago. There is still a powerful light-grid where this planet used to be, and it is used by this species as a Galactic Archive Records Library. Like braids of rainbow light and geometric structures, where their cities used to be are now complex resonant pillars with multidimensional information lattices woven throughout them, and deep networks running through the interior of the planet's lightbody.

These species can enter Physical or Etheric Form at will, having learned how to vibrate their bodies into higher and lower density states. These teachings are shared and used by highly-developed beings of other species within the Galactic Council, and are of course open to anyone within the Galactic Federation of species to explore and study if they wish to do so.

The Laquinon are Elders in the Galactic Council, as their species has been around since a very early period in our Galaxy's development.

Recent Update:

I have received confirmation that the constellation Cassiopeia is a primary reference and communication portal for this species. Also, it is highly likely that the remnant of a supernova around Cassiopeia A is the actual location where their primary planet used to reside before the star exploded. The radio frequencies being released in this area are very extreme, even for a supernova.

Tiara Danan

Late one night on the beach in Hawaii I was contacted by two beings, one male and one female, who called themselves Alean and Alene (pronounced the same). They referenced their presence through brilliant flashes of the star Vega, though they made it clear that their system is not located there. Using Star-Linking, they showed me the general region within a partial cross of visible stars to use for a more accurate reference. I was shown a beautiful planet, terraformed and Earth-like, with many small villages and starports.

They seemed very surprised that I was receiving their communication, and were very curious about the capacity of other humans to communicate in this way at this time. I expressed simply through my mind that I felt that many were awakening to the ability, and most needed help in refining their translations, and they seemed to understand this well.

I asked them where they were from, and the answer was as complex as the question, I realized. Apparently they were reaching out to share this information specifically, regarding their history and origin.

They showed me flashes that were related to my own memories: being a slave on a volcanic moon, Reptilian robotic armies, and women of my species at that time, the Shihaelei, being tortured and raped by reptilians. Then they showed me labs where there were genetic experiments, and where some of the Shihaelei women were being impregnated by Reptilian/Shihaeleian hybrid fertilized eggs.

The women were in deep prayer, though they were afraid and in pain. They were calling on the Sacred Source to make these children bearers of peace, bringing forth all the light and goodness of each race in their genome. The Reptilians wanted to breed more slave warriors, using the agility and intelligence of the Shihaelei with their own fierce strength and stamina. Yet these Mothers were already training the children within their wombs to be free beings, awakened in body, mind, and spirit.

I began to understand why they were showing me all this, and Alene and Alean returned to my inner vision. Now I could partially see their forms, but I asked them what they looked like to have a clearer confirmation and projection of their Physical bodies. In response, I saw a being that had Oriental qualities of a Human, with Elven qualities like a Sirian, and ridges on their forehead like a Reptilian.

They even gave me a reference word to research that they said was already recognized on our Planet: Romulan. I couldn't entirely remember details about that name, but I knew it was from Gene Roddenberry's great body of work: Star Trek.

After this, they showed me glimpses of their uprising as youth, joining the forces of the Galactic Council (which was little more than a Rebel Alliance at this time) to bring down the Reptilian Empire from within. Then they showed me their roles as Guardians, and peaceful citizens of the Galactic Federation who generally keep to themselves.

I deeply thanked Alene and Alean, and promised that I would explore more, and connect with them again in the future. Before we closed our connection, they showed me one of my deep Sisters, and told me that it would was very important that I shared this information with her soon, as it would release some of her old Karma as one of their Mothers.

With immense honor and gratitude, I said goodnight, and watched as Vega pulsed brightly one last time that evening.

In later exploration, I saw that the Romulan beings in Star Trek look very much like the physical forms they showed me. [Memory Alpha – Star Trek Reference Wiki] This made me consider more deeply the other races Gene Roddenberry may have “channeled” into the Star Trek universe, and I immediately noticed the likenesses between the Vulcan and what I know of the Sirian species, as well as the obvious similarities between the Reptilians and Klingons.

Additionally, I came across the “Tuatha De Danann” in Wikipedia, a mysterious race of people in Irish Mythology, known also as the people of Danu. Notably, “they arrived in Ireland, on or about May 1 (the date of the festival of Beltaine), on dark clouds, although later versions rationalise this by saying they burned their ships to prevent retreat, and the 'clouds' were the smoke produced.” [Tuatha De Danann – Wikipedia]

Also, these people were said to have brought with them four sacred treasures (one for each element or suit, found in Tarot and other mythology): The Dagda's Cauldron, the Spear of Lugh, the Stone of Fal, and the Sword of Light of Nuada. The Sword of Light in particular may possibly be correlated with Caliburn, the legendary sword more well known as Excalibur.

An initial assessment of this information has lead me to suspect that there is a connection between the people of Danu and the Tiara Danan, possibly as a group of Souls who also entered at the time of Atlantis. This group may have remained somewhat self-contained, but the few of my Soul family who feel connected to this have strong “Elven” memories from the time of Atlantis, so there is likely a Sirian link and relationship here also.

Clearly, more research and shared memory is needed to complete and confirm the story here.


After a long period of self-development and refinement, I finally opened up to identifying and learning about another of the Council Species. I tracked a ship in the atmosphere above Oahu, and it lead me to focus on a brilliant Star almost directly south, near the horizon below the feet of Canis Major. It was Canopus, of the constellation Carina (Keel). I spent a lot of time just receiving energy from this Star, opening to what information channels were flowing readily through it. Following some light pulses, I began to see a larger system of stars that were clearly going to be a surface for a holographic transmission.

A moment later, a being resolved itself out of the stars and greeted me with sparkling eyes and a welcoming grunt. He had a wide, smooth saucerlike head that came to a gentle curved peak, like a rounded rice-farmer's hat. The front of his head transitioned into a kind humanoid face, but with wide glittering dark eyes and almost no protrusion to the nose. A firm chin and thin lips made him immediately appear peaceful and considering. A flash in my mind's eye outfitted him in a corded suit, similar to the pilot gear in the movie “The Last Starfighter.” I could see a warm light in his third-eye, and almost an electric glow around the edge of his head, as though his psychic field was well distributed to his surroundings.

His voice was then bounding through my head, and I found myself speaking his words out-loud to taste their texture and understand the energy of the dialect. My mouth found most of the forms familiar, and the language sounded like a mix of Quiche Maya, Lakota, and Yahonian. It was somewhat thick with extended vowel sounds, but bouncy, formed between rich G, K and CH sounds.

I laughed out loud, as I knew he was expressing honor and gratitude for meeting with me, and I let my mouth carry forth my reciprocation of his appreciation. He asked about my recent Galactic Home, and I immediately brought the Sirian System into alignment with our shared telepathic space. He chuckled and nodded with some semblance of approval in his assessment.

“Where is your Planetary System?” I asked. My vision of him in the stars blurred, and the craft I had traced earlier shot downward in a luminous streak of light from the tail of Canis Major toward Canopus, and then a flash indicated another star to the upper left of the brilliant star in Carina, which I found later is called Tau Puppis (Stern). Another flash appeared equidistant from Canopus to the upper right, but when I looked, I could not see any visible stars in that location. Uncertain, I looked back at Tau Puppis, but again noticed some sort of energy imprint in its mirrored location. In understanding, I nodded and knew that although I could not see his star-system, it was there, at the same distance and angle from Canopus as Tau Puppis. I was immediately rewarded with a short streak of light nearby in the sky. Upon some Astronomical research, I believe the system may be around Beta Pictoris, a small star in the Pictor constellation, which means “Painter.”

Returning my focus to this being before me, holographically displayed in the stars above Canopus, I spent a few minutes just connecting with him, and asking him what name I should use to reference his Species. He laughed heartily, and the sound “NGUU-RA” resonated through my being. I said it back several times, getting a feel for it, and he seemed pleased.

After a time, I requested to learn a bit more about his people, and was greeted by a very feminine consciousness. In a visual flash, I could tell that the females of their species are very beautiful, and this reflection prompted another chuckle and feeling of deep appreciation flowing through our three-way telepathic field. She took me through a very brief history, where I was shown a variety of things about their species, and I will record these insights here as best as I am able to translate.

They seemed to build many of their early structures underground, but with open views to the sky. The sky was the home of their only real predator, a species akin to the Terradactyl. From the images I saw, it seemed that their head structures were first evolved as shields to protect them from aerial attacks. Later, their heads became one of their most powerful tools for sensing the environment around them, both physically and psychically.

Later, they mastered communication with the Terradactyl-like flying species, and learned to travel around their planet by developing a relationship with this species to ride them as mounts. This was a huge stepping stone for bringing their peoples together, and accelerating their technological prowess to a point of some major energetic revolutions.

Finally, I saw some sort of augmentation system for their thought-energy, which allowed stable levitation, and high-speed physical travel without external vehicles. This was the juncture that gathered the collective attention of the Galactic Council, and enabled the Nguura species to join the Family.

I hope to learn more from the Nguura, and will share those transmissions here and on my upcoming Galactic Family website as they become available.